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Admission Procedure 3 list

In accordance with Admission Procedure 3 (formerly Bylaw 15), we are required to publish the names of all applicants for membership at Technician, Member and Fellow grade.

These names will remain published for 28 days.

First name Last name Grade Region Employer
Lewis Barnes EngTech MICE North East England Meldrum Construction Services Ltd
Choudhury Atiqur Rahman MICE South East England WSP
Mark Hayward MICE East of England Superstructures
Daniel Shephard MICE West Midlands Atkins
Ka Long Lei MICE Hong Kong MTR Corporation Ltd
Chun Fai Sham MICE Hong Kong Bestwise Envirotech Limited
Liam Baxter CEng MICE Northern Ireland Doran Consulting Ltd
Kwai Wah Hans Mak MICE Hong Kong Top International Engineering Hk Co. Ltd

Notice an issue?

If any Corporate Member knows any reason why any of the applicants listed below is not a fit and proper person to become a Technician, Member or Fellow of ICE, they should communicate in writing to the Director General and Secretary immediately.

Want to know more about Admission Procedure 3?

We are here to help so if you have a question about Admission Procedure 3 or one of the names on the list, please contact the Professional Review team.