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What are the implications of climate change on military operations and how must engineering adapt?

Event organised by ICE

17 June 2021

This event has now ended


This year the Joint Professional Meeting (JPM) between the Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE) and the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) will consider the impact of climate change on military operations.

The significant recent rise in weather extremes, United Kingdom flooding and associated disruption are all by-products of climate change; the JPM will provide a platform to discuss new climate resilience demands and what these mean for operations and military engineering.

The worldwide pandemic has demonstrated how the engineering profession is able to respond rapidly to new challenges; the impact of climate change requires a fundamental adjustment now in order to adapt to the transformed environment as we concurrently build back better post COVID-19.

Presentations will examine the new challenges being faced by the engineering profession as a result of climate change, the resilience measures needed, how the military is preparing to tackle the new threats, and what the future may hold. The meeting will culminate in a Panel Question and Answer.