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Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme

Event organised by ICE

30 January 2020

This event has now ended


Sound issue

Please note: the sound on this recording is quite poor for the first 3 minutes but improves after that.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused


Belfast is at risk of flooding from a number of sources; notably tidal, fluvial and surface water. In economic terms, the 200-year Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) predicted extreme tidal event is of most concern; potentially causing above floor level flooding to 600 residential and 400 non-residential properties. There would also be serious disruption to commerce, the transportation network, and the social fabric of the city.

The highest tidal surges recorded within Belfast Harbour have occurred within the past 20 years, most recently on 4 and 7 January 2014. Without the close coordination and intervention of all the statutory and voluntary agencies and the city’s emergency plan, more serious damage to property and key infrastructure would have occurred.

The above “near miss” flooding event and concerns over the numbers of “near misses” within a relatively short time period (the 5 highest tidal surges have been recorded since 1994) are why the tidal flood risk study, and subsequent flood alleviation scheme, were commissioned by DFI Rivers. The flooding envelope in a 200-year AEP tidal flood scenario encompasses 2 sq. km of the Belfast city centre, and areas at Lower Ravenhill Road, Ormeau Embankment and Stranmillis.

The presentation will give an overview of the flood risk to the city and the proposed flood alleviation scheme.

For more information please contact:

Georgia Hamilton