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Focus on Glasgow COP26 – net zero carbon project integrity

Event organised by ICE

02 December 2021

This event has now ended


We are familiar with the intent of Net Zero Carbon in our industry, but what does it mean for project delivery? At this event we will examine this question from the perspective of both the consultant and the client, and consider how Net Zero project integrity can be achieved

Developers and public sector clients increasingly want to be able to promote the Net Zero credentials of any built environment project.  The first part of this event will consider what this means in practice and the role of the consultant in Net Zero project delivery.
The practical reality of a local authority’s journey to Net Zero may include using consultants and contractors in the context of carbon reduction obligations on a project. When and why might this happen? In the second section we will look at how consultants and contractors can provide value to this process as well as the changing nature of what may be expected of them in securing work.

For more information please contact:

Lynn Dow