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Gerald Lacey Lecture 2021

Event organised by ICE

07 June 2021

This event has now ended


The Gerald Lacey Lecture is arranged with the support from the Irrigation Water Forum (IWF).

Land and Water Management for Food Security: The Broad Picture

Recent estimates of food demand, based on median projections of growth, call for a 50% increase in the global demand figure. Linearly proportional increases in the allocation of land and water resources towards increased food production are not realistic given the trends in competing uses for these resources. Besides, our natural resource base is already giving alarm signals for increased exploitation. The pandemic also revealed the vulnerabilities in our food value chains.

The speaker will discuss the response options available to the policy makers, based on most recent figures about the state of the resources and the trends, and both the need and the opportunities for cooperation across sectoral and disciplinary boundaries.

For more information please contact:

Barbara Etzi