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ICE YH Knowledge Sharing: Introduction to Temporary Works

Event organised by ICE

15 November 2021

This event has now ended


The Temporary Works Forum (TWf) was established in 2009 to encourage open discussion of any matter related to temporary works. Set up by industry for industry, the forum is subscription-based and open to any organisation within the industry - large or small - sharing this intent; whether client, permanent works designer, principal contractor, temporary works designer, proprietary equipment supplier, specialist, industry body or academia.

In respect of temporary works to seeks to:

  • Give authoritative guidance and, when required, professional leadership to the industry.
  • Consider aspects of permanent works and interfaces between permanent works and temporary works as are relevant.
  • Consider both current practice and likely development.
  • Be aware of trends and innovations in design, construction and use.
  • Consider whether unacceptable risk exists or might arise in the future and, if believed so, to give warning to relevant bodies.
  • Consider whether further research and development appears desirable.
  • Encourage others to avoid duplicating work in hand elsewhere.
  • Keep a watching brief on international issues

The talk will provide an introduction to the Temporary Works Forum (TWf) - including an insight into its aims and objectives – and highlight some of the guidance and information sheets available. It will also provide an insight into the changes introduced in BS 5975: 2019, the standard giving recommendations and guidance on the procedural controls to be applied to all aspects of temporary works in the construction industry.

For more information please contact:

Joanne Topping
