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Measures to manage the effects of dredging projects

Event organised by Central Dredging Association

05 May 2022

This event has now ended


Dredging activities can have significant effects on the marine environment. These effects can occur in numerous ways including direct habitat loss, changes to coastal processes, changes in sediment composition, increases in suspended sediment and the release of contaminants. It is therefore essential to identify appropriate management measures to ensure the protection of the marine environment.

This seminar discusses the latest approaches and technologies to manage the effects of dredging activities, using actual case studies from around the world.


14:00 - 14:10

Introduction - Jamie Gardiner, Chair of the CEDA UK Committee

14:10 - 14:40

Rachel White – Director, Port and Coastal Solutions
Near Real-Time Dredge Monitoring

14:40 - 15:10

Bill Gush – Regional Director, Land and Water Services Ltd.
Mitigation Measures relating to Inland Dredging Impacts

15:10 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:00

Katherine Holmes – Maine Environmental Consultant, Harris Holden
Can bubble curtains reduce underwater noise propagation? A Scottish case study.

16:00 - 16:30

Presenter tbc, Van Oord
FaunaGuard: Minimising potential impact of generated underwater sound

16:30 - 16:45

Event closes


Rachel White

Rachel White

Port and Coastal Solutions


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Rachel White

Rachel is a Director at Port and Coastal Solutions, a UK based marine consultancy specialising in numerical modelling of flows, waves and sediments. Rachel is a chartered marine scientist and experienced modeller having worked in the field for almost 20 years, contributing to a diverse range of studies including port developments, coastal defence schemes, managed realignments, nuclear new build projects and water quality studies.

For more information please contact:

Shelly-Ann Russell