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Remote earthquake reconnaissance feasibility study: March 2020 Zagreb earthquake

Event organised by Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics

27 January 2021

This event has now ended


The Mw5.3 Zagreb earthquake occurred at 06:24 local time on Sunday 22 March 2020. Even though the event is minor in terms of its reported casualties and damage, its timing makes it noteworthy. At the time of the earthquake, Croatia - like most of Europe - was in partial lockdown in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

As part of the Learning from Earthquakes (LfE) project funded by the EPSRC and in association with the Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT), this presentation summarises the findings and challenges of performing a remote earthquake reconnaissance mission using information gathered primarily from the internet and social media. We will also present how newly developed LfE data collection app and spatial tools have been used in this mission.

For more information please contact:

Shelly-Ann Russell