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Urban and landscape design in the Arabian Gulf region

Event organised by ICE

15 June 2020

This event has now ended


Globally humans consume 150% of naturally replenished assets, which is unsustainable, but in parts of the Arabian Gulf region the figure is up to 2000% in some areas. Furthermore, the population of the region’s cities is predicted to increase dramatically. As discussed in this paper, the growth will have an impact on urban buildings, spaces and surrounding environments as well as on the areas used to fuel and feed these populations and the products they employ.

While people may consider this can never be truly ‘sustainable’ in the traditional sense, there is significant scope for inherent reduction in demands, massive efficiency gains and deployment of non-consumptive renewable resources. Embracing this, a new paradigm for sustainable design in the region is proposed.

We received so many questions from delegates during the live event and got through as many as we could, however, there were many more questions we did not have time to answer. Dr Rob Cooke has kindly taken the time and replied to all the remaining questions we received via the Q&A feature - please see under 'Download event materials'below.

For more information please contact:

Gabriella Lai