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HKA G&S: one-day seminar 2025 – infrastructure resilience and adaptation

Event organised by ICE

01 March 2025
09:00 - 17:30 HKT (GMT+8)
Meeting Room S421
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC)
1 Expo Drive
Hong Kong
Add to Calendar 01-03-2025 09:00 01-03-2025 17:30 false HKT (GMT+8) HKA G&S: one-day seminar 2025 – infrastructure resilience and adaptation Meeting Room S421, Wanchai

From HKD $50.00 (Excl.VAT)

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Infrastructure systems face a plethora of challenges arising from climate change, urbanisation and evolving societal demands. As extreme events with increasing duration and intensity become commonplace, climate and system resilience become critical determinants of the operational performance of infrastructures. Withstanding impact, containing damage and rapid recovery are now essential criteria in establishing resilient and adaptive infrastructures under the new normal.

This One-Day Seminar provides a platform for participants to learn how we can engineer our city’s infrastructure to be resilient and adaptive, safeguarding Hong Kong’s future.

The theme of ICE HKA G&S One-Day Seminar 2025 will be ‘Infrastructure resilience and adaptation - engineer a vibrant and sustainable future’.

In this One-Day Seminar, speakers will discuss the frameworks, propose strategies and share insights in engineering resilient and adaptive infrastructures from different perspectives, angles and professions, including the status quo, ongoing work fronts and next steps by various parties. International frameworks, local practices and innovative solutions will be covered. Besides resilience and adaptation, sustainability will also be covered in shaping a more vibrant and sustainable future.

In response to different extreme events and challenges, this event features distinguished speakers with different expertise and backgrounds, including but not limited to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, works departments of the HKSAR government, leading academic institutions and engineering consulting firms.

  • Capacity: 150
  • Mode: physical
  • Registration deadline: 23 February 2025 (Sunday)

To book your place, simply click the ‘Book now’ button and follow the onscreen instructions.


  • Please complete the online application form for registration.
  • Registration will be confirmed on the first-come-first-served basis upon receipt of payment, and priority will be given to ICE HKA G&S members.
  • Only successful applicants will receive confirmation emails, which will include payment methods. Once received, payment is non-refundable, except for Student Members. The refundable deposit of Student Members will be returned on the day of the event only when participants have attended the entire event, as mentioned below.
  • Applications will be considered as completed only upon successful online registration and collection of payment by ICE.
  • Attendance certificates will be provided within two weeks of the event, subject to attendees having participated for the entire duration of the event.
  • Applicants with no-show records will be given lower priority in future G&S events.
  • The above is subject to change without prior notice.
  • Participants are free to arrange their own lunch.

Technical report prize
The event is eligible for the Technical report prize. ICE HKA awards prize(s) to members of ICE who reside in Hong Kong and prepare reports of a high standard on the captioned event. Winner(s) will be given a prize of HKD500.

For the eligibility and more information about the prize, please refer to the poster and visit the ICE website. Please submit your report and required information to [email protected] by 31 March 2025 (Monday) for a chance to win!

Adverse weather arrangement

The event will be cancelled or rescheduled to another date in the case of a red or black rainstorm signal, or typhoon signal no. 3 or above is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at or after 07.00. The organiser reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event in view of safety or other considerations.


The Institution of Civil Engineers (Hong Kong Association) shall not under any circumstances be liable or otherwise for death, any injury, any damage to, loss or destruction of property or otherwise, in any such case arising from any accident or mishap, whether during or after this event, in preparation for it, travelling to or from it or otherwise.

Any views or opinions expressed on any matters by the presenters or participants during or in connection with this presentation are solely the views of the authors of the respective comments and/or opinions and must not be taken to be the views of ICE or any other organisation. ICE makes no representations, warranties or assurances concerning any information provided in these presentations and accepts no responsibility for the content and/or accuracy.


Ticket Price
Student Member* Free of charge
Graduate Member HKD $50
Member HKD $100
Non-member HKD $200

*Student Members shall pay a refundable deposit of HKD $50, which will be returned on the day of the event only when participants have attended the entire event.


Meeting Room S421,
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC)
1 Expo Drive
Wanchai, Hong Kong


08:45 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:15

Welcome address and opening address

09:15 - 09:45

1st speaker (Mr Sanjaya BHATIA from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) & Global Education Training Institute (GETI))

09:45 - 10:15

2nd speaker (Mr Roger WONG from Water Supplies Department, HKSAR Government)

10:15 - 10:45

3rd speaker (Mr Edwin LAU from Drainage Services Department, HKSAR Government)

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30

4th speaker (Prof Francis AU from Asia Infrastructure Solutions & The University of Hong Kong)

11:30 - 12:00

5th speaker (Mr Robert GERRARD from Thomas Telford Limited)

12:00 - 12:30

Morning panel discussion

12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:30

6th speaker (Dr Raymond CHEUNG from Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR Government)

14:30 - 15:00

7th speaker (Mr Jack YIU from Arup)

15:00 - 15:30

8th speaker (Mr Tony LAU from Binnies Hong Kong Limited)

15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 16:15

9th speaker (Mr Stanley LIU from AECOM Asia Company Limited)

16:15 - 16:45

10th speaker (Dr Alalea KIA from Imperial College London)

16:45 - 17:15

Afternoon panel discussion

17:15 - 17:30

Closing remarks and closing address


Sanjaya Bhatia

Sanjaya Bhatia

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) & Global Education and Training Institute (GETI)

head of office

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Sanjaya Bhatia

Sanjaya Bhatia is the Head of the Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) and Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) for Disaster Risk Reduction in Incheon, Republic of Korea, where he has guided the training of over 17,000 government officials globally. 

Before taking this position Sanjaya Bhatia worked as head of the International Recovery Platform (IRP) - Secretariat at Kobe, Japan where he led the development of the Guidance Notes on Recovery and a capacity building program for national and local governments. Earlier he worked as the Focal Point for Disaster Resilient Schools and Hospitals with the World Bank where he was instrumental in financing of projects on safe schools and hospitals. 

He has worked with the Government of India (Indian Administrative Service), the World Bank, and the United Nations in the field of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation for over 30 years. He holds a degree in law and a master’s degree in Public Administration from New York University.

Roger Wong

Roger Wong

Water Supplies Department of the HKSAR Government

Director of Water Supplies

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Roger Wong

Mr Roger Wong was appointed as director of water supplies in March 2024. He joined the Hong Kong Government in 1995 as an assistant engineer.

Before joining the Water Supplies Department, he worked in the Highways Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department and Development Bureau, overseeing the strategic planning and implementation of various infrastructure development projects and relevant public works policies. 

Prof Francis Au

Prof Francis Au

Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

honorary professor

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Prof Francis Au

Prof Francis Au has over 40 years of experience spanning both the industry and academia. He joined Maunsell Consultants Asia as an engineer upon graduation with his first degree, where he was involved in new town projects, highway projects as well as marine engineering projects. He joined the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1988 after having 7 years of practical experience in the industry.

He has been engaged in research primarily in bridge engineering and concrete structures. Before his retirement from full-time service at HKU in July 2023, he was Professor and Head of Department of Civil Engineering. He joined Asia Infrastructure Solutions (AIS) in September 2023 as Head of AIS Academy and Technical Advisor. 

Dr Raymond Cheung

Dr Raymond Cheung

Civil Engineering and Development Department of the HKSAR Government

Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office

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Dr Raymond Cheung

Dr Raymond W M Cheung has more than thirty years’ experience in civil and geotechnical engineering. He has been participated in a number of mega infrastructure projects in Hong Kong under the Airport Core Programme, including Chek Lap Kok International Airport reclamation, Airport Railway and Western Harbour Crossing, before joining the Hong Kong SAR Government in the late 1990s.

He is a member of various international technical committees such as the European School Scientific Committee of Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation (LARAM) and the International Network on Landslide Early Warning Systems (LandAware).

He is currently head of the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) overseeing control of geotechnical works, setting geotechnical standards, testing and development of construction materials, mining operation and quarrying, cavern and underground space development, the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, and the landslide emergency services. 

Robert Gerrard

Robert Gerrard

Thomas Telford Limited

senior nec consultant and secretary

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Robert Gerrard

Robert specialises in NEC contracts, both setting these up and successfully managing them. He has 41 years’ experience in contract management and carries out training and consultancy around the world. Robert is based in Hong Kong and works as a Senior NEC Consultant for Thomas Telford Limited. He is an examiner for the Institution of Civil Engineers Certificate in Law and Contract Management course and has also held the position of NEC Users’ Group Secretary from 2006 to date. 

Robert was an NEC4 Contract Drafter, part of the NEC3 contracts working group and an Accredited NEC4 ECC Project Manager. Robert is also an Accredited Mediator through the London School of Mediation, registered through the UK Civil Mediation Council and is a member on mediation panels in UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand. He recently passed the Master of Laws in Mediation and International Commercial Dispute Resolution at Newcastle University, UK.

Robert’s publications include NEC3 and NEC4 Compared (2017), NEC2 and NEC3 Compared (2005), joint author in NEC4 Avoiding and Resolving Disputes (2019), NEC4 Practical Solutions (2017) and NEC3 Practical Solutions (2015).

Dr Alalea Kia

Dr Alalea Kia

Imperial College London

advanced research fellow & resilient sustainable infrastructure group lead

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Dr Alalea Kia

Alalea is an Advanced Research Fellow, a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and a Royal Academy of Engineering Associate Research Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. Her research is focussed on fundamental interdisciplinary cleantech, structural, material, thermal and hydrological engineering to address the global challenges of climate change and urbanisation.

Alalea has established international leadership and reputation in human-centred cleantech and sustainable infrastructure design through in excess of £3 million in funding, patent, more than 30 publications, invited talks, awards, industry collaborations and leading her Resilient Sustainable Infrastructure Group. 

Edwin Lau

Edwin Lau

Drainage Services Department of the HKSAR Government

Assistant Director/Operations and Maintenance

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Edwin Lau

Mr Edwin Lau is a civil engineer by profession and has worked as a professional engineer in the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for about 30 years. During his services, he has been involved in the life cycle covering planning to operation stage of various drainage and sewerage projects over the territory.

Currently, Mr LAU is the assistant director of the Operations and Maintenance Branch of the Drainage Services Department, overseeing drainage system and blue-green drainage infrastructure planning, research and development, climate change, operation and maintenance of drainage and sewerage network, and district matters in the department. 

Tony Lau

Tony Lau

Binnies Hong Kong Limited

director of projects

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Tony Lau

Tony is the director of Projects at Binnies Hong Kong, bringing over 22 years of experience in the civil engineering field.

He specialises in the planning, design, and management of replacement and rehabilitation (R&R) of underground utilities for both the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and the Drainage Services Department (DSD). 

In this capacity, he introduced various advanced trenchless technologies around the world for condition survey and rehabilitation of watermains, drainage pipes and sewers. 

Additionally, Tony has extensive experience in project management, particularly for the relocation of the Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to caverns and HK International Airport Project Three-Runway System Project – Aviation Fuel Pipeline Diversion Works.

He is currently the chairman of the China Hong Kong Society of Trenchless Technology.

Stanley Liu

Stanley Liu

AECOM Asia Company Limited

executive director, ports & marine, transportation

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Stanley Liu

Mr Stanley Liu is the executive director, ports and marine, transportation in AECOM Asia Company Limited, with over 23 years of experience in coastal and marine engineering.

Stanley has led strategic studies on climate adaptation and resilience for government departments managing public infrastructures such as coastal protection, highways and roads, drainage services and water supply services, including the Study on Shoreline Management Plan and the Improvement of Resilience of Highways Department Critical Infrastructures, for which climate impacts are assessed and long-term adaptation and resilience strategies are recommended. 

He has also delivered pragmatic and fit for purpose adaptation and resilience solutions for private sector clients, including electricity suppliers, property developers, industrial operators etc., taking into consideration major considerations and concerns from operation and maintenance perspectives. 

Jack Yiu

Jack Yiu


director of infrastructure, geotechnics and energy group

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Jack Yiu

Jack Yiu is a seasoned engineer with over 20 years of experience in large-scale infrastructure projects for transportation and energy markets, aiming to shape a sustainable, resilient and decarbonised future.

Jack’s expertise in ground engineering and numerical modeling have led him to be involved in a number of mega projects, such as Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Singapore MRT Downtown Line, 2012 London Olympics, Express Rail Link in Hong Kong, Hong Kong MTR South Island Line, West Island Line & Shatin-to-Central Link, Brunei-Temburong Bridge, Bangkok MRT Orange Line and offshore wind farm projects in Japan and Korea.

Jack is currently a director at Arup and group leader of Hong Kong Geotechnics and Energy, leading over 150 engineers and specialists in geotechnical engineering, geology, tunnelling, maritime and energy infrastructure.