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Offshore wind ground investigation: techniques, practices and challenges

Event organised by ICE

27 February 2025
12:30 - 13:00 GMT
Add to Calendar 27-02-2025 12:30 27-02-2025 13:00 false Europe/London Offshore wind ground investigation: techniques, practices and challenges Online,


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By 2030, the UK government wants enough wind farm projects to reach lease stage to deliver 20-30GW of offshore power.

This acceleration in offshore wind development will mean greater demand for geotechnical site investigation of the seabed in areas where turbines are planned.

In this webinar, Dariusz Guzik, a Bristol-based chartered civil engineer with Geoquip Marine, will discuss why investing in a comprehensive site investigation is essential to ensure high-quality data collection.

He will cover different ground investigation techniques, onshore laboratory practice and the incorporation of data science techniques into geodata processing for offshore wind farm sites.


Dariusz Guzik

Dariusz Guzik

Geoquip Marine

principal geotechnical engineer

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Dariusz Guzik

Dariusz Guzik is currently Principal Geotechnical Engineer with 15 years of experience and works for Geoquip Marine in their Bristol office. Previously, he worked in various design roles for contractors in the UK and as Design Geotechnical Engineer in Europe. He Graduated as a Master of Engineering with major in Geotechnical Engineering from Crackow University of Technology. He is a Member and a Reviewer of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a UK Registered Ground Engineering Professional.