Inspire the next generation
Become an ambassador and spread the word about this amazing career to children and young people
Join your local Regional Committee or Graduate & Student Committee and lead ICE’s programme in your area, or join a Knowledge Network and become closely involved in a particular aspect of ICE business.
In the UK alone, numbers entering the construction industry nowhere near match the 700,000 who are set to retire in the next 10 years.
Add to this an increased workload due to house building targets and ambitious infrastructure projects – the skills crisis is an immediate concern.
We urgently need to inspire more young people into the profession.
We will only do this by showing school children what a great career civil engineering is.
Part of this must involve reaching out to groups and communities who are not typically attracted into the industry.
This will not only help the industry address the skills gap it will also add many benefits including bringing in new perspectives and ideas.
By joining your local Regional Committee, you will play a role in helping to shape the regional programme and could help organise or take part in a range of activities. Working with the Regional Support Team in your area, you could find yourself involved in:
By joining your local Graduate and Student Committee you will be involved in a vibrant community who helps other early career members by organising:
Most Graduate and Student Committees also play an active role in developing and delivering the ICE programme of activities to inspire the next generation of civil engineers (see Chapter 3 for more information).
Committee members commit to attending most committee meetings, which depending on your region, may take place quarterly or monthly. Most regions now offer the option to join meetings remotely, some alternating between in-person and online meetings.
Depending on the amount of time members have to devote to their committee duties and the role they take, contributions can vary from inputting ideas and contacts to taking a more active role in organising or promoting events. You will work closely with other committee members and your local ICE Regional Director and their team.
Our members around the world elect ICE's Council. We hold elections every year when about one third of Council seats are available. These places are usually for a three-year term, to replace members whose term of service has finished.
The Council Elections, which take place in June each year, are your opportunity to choose the right people for our Council. We need visionary thinkers to help us achieve our long-term ambitions that benefit society.
By standing to join Council or by voting you are playing an important part in the running of your institution.
ICE also facilitates membership panels that oversee activities such as the qualifications process and professional conduct.
Our Communities of Practice (COPs) are member-led and seek to build and exchange knowledge around areas of shared professional interest. The COPs cover a range of ICE activities promoting learning and best practice such as the Walking & Cycling; Community Engagement and, Safety, Health & Wellbeing COPs.
All members are encouraged to consider joining a COP. Keep an eye out on the ICE website and newsletter for details of new and emerging COPs.
To get involved with your local ICE region or if you would like to join a committee or panel, get in touch with your local ICE Regional Support Team regional office.