Policy engagement
Engaging with ministers, other policy makers and our membership to inform our views to influence government
ICE provides independent, expert advice to government and policy makers. We also raise the profile of engineering and promote its contribution to our quality of life.
The ICE media centre is always happy to help with media enquiries.
We regularly comment on a wide range of infrastructure and civil engineering issues.
We work to actively promote the importance of infrastructure to everyone from the government to the public at large.
We produce a range of policy documents and consultation responses to ensure infrastructure remains at the heart of the government's agenda.
Our press office comments on the latest issues affecting infrastructure and civil engineering.
We provide research, facts, figures and photos, and have a large pool of expert spokespeople available for comment.
Read comment and reactions from our experts and information on our surveys and research.
Keep up-to-date with the latest thoughts on infrastructure from leading thinkers across the industry.