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ICE written submission on the National Infrastructure Assessment

14 February 2017

ICE has responded to the National Infrastructure Commission's call for evidence to shape the development of their National Infrastructure Assessment.

This submission draws on the ICE's National Needs Assessment, which we shared with the National Infrastructure Commission in October 2016. The report was the product of collaboration and consultation with a wide range of parties – including experts from industry, finance and environmental research - over an 18 month period. The submission also includes emerging findings from our next State of the Nation Policy Report, launching in March 2017.

ICE has provided recommendations across all infrastructure sectors, including cross-cutting themes, transport, digital communications, energy, water and wastewater, (drainage and sewerage), flood risk management, and solid waste.

ICE written submission on the National Infrastructure Assessment

Content type: Consultation

Last updated: 10 February 2017

Authors: ICE

  • Gloria Liu, public affairs executive at ICE