Over the past few years, the ICE trustees have implemented several changes to modernise the governance of the Institution.
Broadening Membership and the 'Chartered Infrastructure Engineer' qualification
In 2016, the ICE, IET and IMechE commissioned professor John Uff CBE QC FREng to undertake a wide-ranging review of the engineering professional landscape. The final report was published in March 2017 as the Uff Review.
The institution addressed many of the recommendations: we have improved advice to government(s); promoted civil engineering in schools; shared engineering knowledge with a raft of organisations; continued to accredit a broad range of academic courses and looked at how to engage and support members of the engineering profession who are not currently professionally registered.
After much debate, the trustees recommended that the institution should apply to register the protected title of ‘Chartered Infrastructure Engineer’. In March 2022, ICE members voted in favour in a ballot which saw a record turnout.
2023 governance updates
In 2023, the membership voted to amend the institution’s by-laws to allow a “Council Appointee Member” to serve as a trustee for three years, even if their term on council expires during that period.
Members also voted to amend the by-laws to make it clear that annual general meetings and ordinary meetings may be held physically, electronically or in hybrid format.
Members also approved changes to the by-laws to delete transitional provisions which are obsolete, to amend the term of service for vice-presidents from five to three years and to insert a definition of “ordinary meetings”.
Members also voted to amend the by-laws to remove all instances of language where it is not gender neutral.
These changes to the ICE’s by-laws were approved by the Privy Council on 30 October 2023 and came into effect from that date - Royal Charter and by-laws 2023.
Previous governance updates
In 2019, the ICE Council and Trustee Board agreed in full the findings from the Presidential Commission’s Final Report. The recommendations of this report have now been implemented.
A number of the findings of the Presidential Commission aimed to improve the transparency in the institution’s governance processes. Below are some examples of the changes we have incorporated.
- Volunteer Handbook – provides useful advice on how members can get more engaged with ICE.
- Terms of Reference - current terms of reference for the Trustee Board, Council, Nomination Committee and the main standing committees which report to the Trustee Board.
- Governance Handbook – serves as a simple guide to ICE governance and is updated each year to reflect emerging best practice. It is available on the Trustee Board page on the ICE website.
- Trustee Board Minutes – minutes are published after each trustee board meeting once approved by the chair and are then confirmed once approved at the subsequent meeting. Member login required.
- President’s Calendar – details past and forthcoming events so that members may be aware of the president’s considerable activities.
- Annual and Special General Meetings – provides details about our annual general meetings, annual reports and special general meetings.
The commission’s findings also required changes to the disciplinary regulations and the terms of reference for a number of the principal committees of the Institution.
The most up to date versions of the disciplinary regulations can be found on the Royal Charter, By-Laws and Regulations webpage. The Boards, Committees and Panels webpage is regularly updated with the current terms of reference of the institution.
More information
For more information on the Presidential Commission’s findings and to read the final report, please visit the Presidential Commission page.
Do you have any questions?
If you would like more information about any of the proposed governance changes, please contact the Governance Office on: