The Specialist knowledge societies (SKS) form a key part of the ICE's activities. They all produce events and networking activity held at the ICE and work with us to encourage continuing professional development and the exchange of knowledge and experience for their specialism. Each has its own membership, and maintains strong links to international organisations in their field.

Who are we?
The BDS exists to advance the education of the public and the profession in technical subjects relating to planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation, safety, environmental and social issues related to dams and reservoirs.
What we do
The Society’s membership includes many senior staff and managers in top consultancies, dam owner organisations, government agencies, and major contractors who are involved in dams and reservoirs in the UK and overseas.
The BDS is involved in national and international technical committees and steering groups, influencing guidance and research projects.
The BDS informs and supports their members on national and international issues and best practices in planning, developing, maintaining and operating dams and reservoirs.
The benefits of Individual Membership
- Hard and/or electronic copies of the Society’s “Dams and Reservoirs” journal, published four times per year;
- Reduced fees will be offered to attend the BDS Biennial Conference;
- Access to the BDS Members’ Area on the BDS website and the ICOLD Members’ Section on the ICOLD website, where Technical Bulletins can be downloaded free of charge;
- Voting rights at the Society’s AGM and Special Meetings and at all elections for new committee members.
The benefits of Corporate Membership
- Three named representatives will have all the privileges of individual members, including hard copies of the Society’s “Dams and Reservoirs” journal, as well as access to the BDS Members’ Area on the BDS website and the ICOLD Members’ Section on the ICOLD website, where Technical Bulletins can be downloaded free of charge;
- Company details will be published in the Society’s “Dams and Reservoirs” journal;
- The company’s logo and link to their website will be published on the BDS website;
- An invitation will be offered to provide a PowerPoint slide to advertise the company, which will be shown before each of the BDS evening talks;
- The corporate-named representative will have voting rights at the society’s AGM or Special Meetings and all elections for new committee members.
How to become an Individual Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Individual Membership webpage on the BDS webpage:
How to become a Corporate Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Corporate Membership webpage on the BDS webpage:

Who are we
We are the leading association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom. In addition to this, we serve as the Ground Board for the Institution of Civil Engineers and represent the UK as a member of both the International Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM).
What we do
We regularly organize technical discussion meetings covering a wide range of topics relevant to ground engineering. Key events include the Rankine Lecture, the Touring Lecture (which travels across the UK regions), the Geotechnique Lecture, and the Geotechnical Engineering Lecture. We collaborate closely with other learned societies, hosting joint meetings and events with organizations such as the Engineering Group of the Geological Society, the British Tunnelling Society, the International Geosynthetics Society, and the Offshore Engineering Society.
In addition to selecting the prestigious Rankine Lecture speaker, we periodically present the Skempton Medal and the BGA Medal in recognition of significant contributions to geotechnical engineering and related publications. The Fleming Award celebrates teamwork and innovation in construction, while the Cooling Prize is open to young engineers. We also award an annual prize for the best MSc dissertation in ground engineering.
The BGA is one of the most vibrant and active societies in the field of engineering. Join us and become part of our dynamic community. We offer special membership rates for students and retirees, with corporate memberships also available.
The benefits of Individual Membership
- Annual subscription to Ground Engineering magazine including access to website (which can be accessed here);
- Option of dual membership with the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM);
- Receipt of notices of BGA monthly meetings and events;
- Discounted entry to conferences sponsored by the BGA and free entry to the BGA annual conference (a BGA members' event showcasing the best of British geotechnics);
- Meet other like-minded specialists from all aspects of the geotechnical community;
- Participate in AGM procedures; nominate members or stand for election to the Executive Committee and vote on amendments to the constitution.
How to become an Individual Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Individual Membership webpage on the BGA webpage:
How to become a Corporate Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Corporate Membership webpage on the BGA webpage:

Who are we?
We aim to advance education and research in both the scientific and the applied aspects of hydrology by promoting good practice in hydrology and by fostering the involvement of its members in activities directed at promoting, advancing, and building esteem of hydrology.
The benefits of Membership
Members receive the quarterly newsletter Circulation and are automatically enrolled on the BHS Mailbase and sign up to the British Hydrological Society on LinkedIn, which enhances excellent networking among members.
Members are encouraged to attend national and regional meetings, for which they will usually pay a significantly lower fee. For those seeking chartership status to enhance their professional profile, the Society is able to offer guidance on selecting the most appropriate qualification and awarding body.
How to become an Individual Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Individual Membership webpage on the BHS webpage:

Who are we?
The British Tunnelling Society maintains a leading role in the development of the tunnelling industry to promote the safe, efficient, sustainable, and technically advanced design, construction and use of underground space.
What we do
The aims and objectives of the Society are to advance the education of the public in, and to promote the art and science of, tunnelling, including the creation and use of underground space by fostering understanding, experience, interest and research therein.
The benefits of Individual Membership
- Reduced costs for attending BTS-delivered courses & bi-annual BTS conference;
- Subscription to the monthly Tunnels & Tunnelling International (T&TI) magazine;
- An electronic copy of T&T is available
- Access to T&T Database once back up and running
- Notification of BTS monthly presentations via email and T&TI magazine;
- Receipt of web links by email to view BTS monthly presentations online, both live and post-event;
- Receipt of general correspondence and notices of conferences and training courses sent to the membership by email;
- Attendance at members-only events and discounted attendance at some events and training courses run by the BTS and other bodies (such as T&TI);
- The opportunity to nominate members for election to the BTS Committee, participate in the ballot and submit proposals for resolutions to the Constitution;
- The opportunity to attend the BTS Annual General Meeting and vote on resolutions to the Constitution;
- The benefits of meeting other like-minded specialists from all aspects of the industry including Clients, Contractors, Consultants, manufacturers and suppliers as well as operatives and engineer.
The benefits of Corporate Membership
- Corporate members are listed individually on the BTS website and a hyperlink is accessed by clicking on their corporate logos leads directly from the BTS site to the corporate member's website;
- At BTS monthly meetings Corporate member company logos are displayed before and after the presentation;
- The BTS web site is the first port of call for potential clients researching tunnelling-related issues. Your link/sponsorship can generate tunnelling leads;
- By being a Corporate member your company will be recognised as a significant player in the Tunnelling Industry and you are likely to attract interest from aspiring tunnelling engineers;
- Accurate up-to-date information and publications to keep you on top of the latest issues both nationally and internationally
- Providing members with a forum through which they can make their views heard;
- Providing opportunities to network, entertain and share best practices with client organisations;
- Invitations to BTS-organised workshops with client bodies.
How to become an Individual Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Individual Membership webpage on the BTS webpage:
How to become a Corporate Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Corporate Membership webpage on the BTS webpage:

Who are we?
We represent dredging professionals and organizations, from government, academia and business, in the region. We foster and promote the understanding and advancement of dredging to the wider community.
What we do
Our aim is to be the independent forum for all stakeholders involved in dredging and the wider associated industries in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East.
Our vision is to be essential to corporations, professionals and stakeholders in the fields of dredging and marine construction and to be universally recognized for its professional expertise and balanced views.
The benefits of Individual Membership
- Full access to;
- Access to CEDA knowledge platform Invitations to member-only events;
- Access to Individual Members' directory Member-only articles in CEDA Industry News;
- Reduced rates at events (30%).
The benefits of Corporate Membership
- Full access to;
- Access to CEDA knowledge platform Invitations to member-only events;
- Access to Individual Members' directory Member-only articles in CEDA Industry News;
- Reduced rates at events (30%);
- Participation on CEDA commissions and working groups;
- Representing CEDA at international platforms;
- Company brand awareness;
- Reduced exhibition booth rates at CEDA exhibitions (30%);
- Immediate access to online CEDA conference papers and presentations;
- Demonstrating company support of CEDA's work for the advancement of the dredging profession;
How to become an Individual Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Individual Membership webpage on the CEDA webpage:
How to become a Corporate Member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the Corporate Membership webpage on the CEDA webpage:

Who are we?
Fostering the well-being of Civil Engineers during their professional life and afterwards, promoting social and sporting activities amongst civil engineers and their families and giving members of the Institution the opportunity for creating and maintaining friendships established throughout their professional life.
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.

Who are we?
The Get It Right Initiative is a thriving community of over 100 organisations committed to eliminating error in construction, driving improvements in quality, productivity, safety and sustainability.
The benefits of membership
- Knowledge - Access research, insight and learning through the online Knowledge Hub and presentations from GIRI experts. Industry leaders, research partners and members share expertise in areas including the Building Safety Act and construction technology.
- Influence - Be part of a unified members' voice to UK government, shaping the debate and informing policy through member surveys, collaboration with industry bodies and contributing our collective expertise.
- Training - Develop your knowledge and skills with professional CITB-accredited training created by GIRI experts. Courses include leadership, supervisory and management training, plus ‘train the trainer’. Reduced rates for members and CITB funding available.
- Business improvement – Advance error reduction in your organisation with the GIRI Error Reduction Framework. This structured, step-by-step process enables organisations and project teams to systemically identify, diagnose and reduce errors. Reduced rates for implementation support to members.
- Networking - Learn, share and collaborate with other leading construction experts at in-person member events and webinars.
- Download our flyer here
How to become a member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the member webpage on the GIRI webpage:

Who are we?
The Hazards Forum was founded by the UK’s four principal engineering institutions in 1989. We’ve since welcomed members from engineering bodies, the public and charity sectors, and industry.
We provide a forum where professionals from all disciplines can learn from one another, build their knowledge and contribute to the control of major hazards and the mitigation of disasters.
What we do
The Hazards Forum believes deliberation and decision-making about risk shouldn’t be confined to risk professionals. A wider audience of stakeholders – including the public where appropriate – needs to share their views on how to assess and manage risk.
We encourage open, timely and active debate. We want robust, relevant, independent and accessible information to be widely available.
We do this by arranging regular events and webinars to debate specific risk issues. We also arrange joint events with other organisations, and support events arranged solely by other bodies.
The benefits for your organisation
- being part of a community of like-minded professionals;
- the opportunity for your employees to network with top experts in a wide variety of safety and risk-related fields;
- free invitation to all the Forum’s evening events;
- receipt of Hazards Forum news, insights and event reports;
- reduction in delegate fees for sponsored and co-sponsored events;
- a direct link to your website for member organisations;
- access to member-only content.
Types of Membership
Engineering - for professional engineering institutions licensed by the Engineering Council (UK), professional affiliates of the Engineering Council (UK), and distinguished public or charity sector organisations concerned principally with the advancement of engineering.
Associate - for public and private sector bodies with a purpose or objects broadly aligned with those of the Hazards Forum.
Corporate - for bodies from any sector or industry which have an interest in the work of the Hazards Forum and who endorse its objects, but do not meet the criteria for Associate Membership.
How to become a member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the member webpage on the HF webpage:

Who are we?
An informal society of engineers and scientists, giving equal importance to the quality of our technical activities and our fellowship.
What we do
We provide high quality lectures and technical visits on diverse engineering and scientific subjects, and the enjoyment of French culture and cuisine.
Membership admission criteria
Our admission criteria align with those of our French parent. In brief, this means a Chartered Engineer or Scientist or the equivalent professional status, whether by post-graduate qualification or post-graduate experience in a role requiring knowledge and skills at a similar level.
The application is sponsored by two Members and the applicant is duly elected by the Council of the British Section of IESF and who, upon notification, has paid the subscription, currently £60 annually for the full year.
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.

Who are we?
The Irrigation and Water Forum is the United Kingdom’s national section of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). We focus on water resources, including agricultural development, in the context of sustainable river basin management, both nationally and internationally.
What we do
We focus on water for agricultural development in the context of sustainable river basin management. Throughout the UK there is considerable interest in irrigated agriculture, drainage and flood control and alleviation.
Internationally there is a traditional interest in irrigation and drainage from many UK professionals and consultancy companies working primarily in the developing world and increasingly in eastern Europe and central Asia. In many developing countries, irrigated agriculture uses about 80% of freshwater resources, and thus has a pivotal role in water resource governance.
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.

Who are we?
The main aim of the Offshore Engineering Society is to provide “networking” opportunities for Offshore Engineers of all disciplines and the dissemination of technical information of offshore engineering through a programme of lectures and other events.
The benefits of Individual Membership
- Gain direct access to the OES website Members' Area, which includes an archive of past events (live recordings and presentation files); publications; documents and AGM minutes;
- Receive early booking email notices of OES monthly meetings and events;
- Enjoy access to physical meetings and online live broadcasts;
- Discounted entry to OES co-sponsored events;
- Attendance Certificates for use with continuous professional development (CPD) records helping members develop at all stages of their careers;
- Meet other like-minded specialists from the offshore industry, research organisations and academia from all around the world. The OES bridges the gap between generations and creates;
networks across all experience levels in the offshore industry; - Participate in Annual General Meetings (nomination of members or election to the OES Committee, voting in elections for the committee and on amendments to the constitution);
- Reduced membership fee for students;
- Young Members group.
The benefits of Corporate Membership
- Access the online full archive of past events (this also enables companies to create an offline repository for internal use by employees);
- Bring knowledge to their engineers on several topics related to renewable energy and the Oil & Gas industries;
- Obtain CPD certificates of attendance, important to their graduate engineers towards becoming chartered professionals, promoting career progression;
- Keep up to speed on activities in the North Sea and globally;
- Network with experts from the offshore industry including their clients and subcontractors - disseminating ideas, experience and information;
- Advertise your company through presentations and also through social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook);
- List your company details and weblink on the OES website and gain exposure to the industry;
- Access details of OES individual members providing consultancy services or currently looking for short-term or long-term positions;
- OES has more than 40 corporate members directly linked to the offshore industry;
- OES has links with many professional bodies. This includes the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), IMarEST, IMechE, RINA, SUT, WES, IChemE, SNAME.
How to become a member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the member webpage on the OES webpage:

Who are we?
The RCEA was founded in 1921 and exists to encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience between railway civil engineers and encourage continuing professional development. In 1997, the RCEA became an Associated Society of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Our members are from the whole of the railway industry, both heavy and light rail, from client organisations, consultants, contractors and suppliers. Your specific knowledge and experience will be valued and you will have the opportunity to share it with colleagues from elsewhere in the industry both at formal meetings and during informal discussions.
Membership is open to professional engineers in Great Britain and Ireland who hold positions with significant responsibility for the development, design, construction or maintenance of infrastructure for railway operations. We also welcome younger members who have an enthusiasm and interest in railway civil engineering
The benefits of becoming a Member
- A programme of presentations and meetings on current topics and issues;
- The chance to meet colleagues from a variety of backgrounds with potential innovative solutions for your projects;
- The opportunity to be a privileged visitor to projects in the UK and overseas;
- Attendance at biennial Parliamentary reception
- Certificates to demonstrate Continuing Professional Development;
- Opportunities to meet leading political and engineering figures in the transport industry;
- Develop a broader understanding of rail integration and 21st century transport needs.
How to become a member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the member webpage on the RCEA webpage:

Who are we?
SECED was founded in 1969 to promote the study and practice of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, including blast, impact, and other vibration problems.
What we do
SECED is concerned with the study of societal and economic ramifications of major earthquakes. We acts as a forum for professionals who need to keep abreast of the rapid developments in the field.
Types of Membership
There are two categories of membership: corporate and individual. Corporate members can nominate a number of named representatives, each of whom obtains the same benefits as individual members.
The benefits of becoming a member
- Gain to the SECED Newsletter on its publication date (non-members have to wait for up to one year);
- Enjoy discounts on registration fees for SECED and SECED-affiliated events and training courses;
- Receive email notifications of SECED technical meetings and events;
- Enjoy online access to live broadcasts of SECED evening technical meetings and an archive of past broadcasts;
- Gain reference access to the ICE Library;
- Gain access to the member's area (MyICE) of the ICE website (individual members only);
- Meet other like-minded specialists from industry and academia;
- Partake in the Annual General Meeting with rights to:
- nominate candidates for the SECED committee
- vote in elections for the committee
- vote on amendments to the Constitution
- List your company details and weblink on the SECED website and gain exposure to the earthquake community (corporate members only).
How to become a member
To discover fees and how to apply please visit the member webpage on the SECED webpage:

Who are we?
A society to facilitate, develop and promote best practice and innovation in transport planning and provide a focus for dialogue between all those engaged in it whatever their background.
The benefits of becoming a member
- Raise your profile through volunteering in the Society by joining our groups and getting involved in discussions on key technical and policy issues in transport, including regional events, and further your professional development
- Participate in the mentoring scheme either as a mentor or mentee
- Help to build networks, contacts and relationships with like-minded professionals
- Monthly ebulletins outlining the latest TPS news, events and transport planning vacancies
- Develop your knowledge and skills at our free TPS meetings and events throughout the country, featuring high profile speakers, stimulating policy debates, social events and great networking opportunities with fellow transport professionals
- Eligibility to apply for, and hold the Transport Planning Professional qualification (TPP) and if successful, the Chartered Transport Planning Professional title (CTTP)
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.

Who are we?
The forum is subscription-based and open to any organisation within the industry - large or small - sharing this intent; whether client, permanent works designer, principal contractor, temporary works designer, proprietary equipment supplier, specialist, industry body or academia.
The benefits of becoming a member
- access to an ‘online community’
- discussion and debate with fellow professionals
- networking and business opportunities
- learning about more efficient and better designs (and, thus, cost savings)
- the consideration of ‘buildability’ issues
- establishing, sharing and promoting best practice
- preparing industry guidance
- improving performance in safety and health (and, perhaps, the environment)
- better compliance with legislative requirements
- influencing – and working with - other industry organisations;
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.

Who are we?
Our aim is to promote cooperation in the advancement and application of knowledge in all aspects of wind engineering. To that end we; organise conferences and regular technical meetings in the UK, publish a quarterly newsletter and act as a representative body for wind engineering in the UK.
What we do
The objectives of the Society are to promote cooperation in the advancement and application of knowledge in all aspects of wind engineering. It aims to attract researchers, engineers, architects, planners and others engaged in the design and operation of structures, vehicles or crops subject to wind forces; or concerned with pollution dispersion and other environmental effects influenced by the wind; or concerned with other problems such as ventilation where the same knowledge is strongly relevant.
The benefits of becoming a member
- Enjoy substantial reductions on registration fees for the annual WES Conference and other chargeable events
- Receive email notices of WES technical meetings and events
- Receive information on other national and international Wind Engineering conferences and publications
- Enjoy online access to live broadcasts of WES evening technical meetings
- Gain access to the WES website Members' Area, which includes meeting minutes and documents, scientific papers and an archive of playback links of lectures and presentation files (currently under development)
- Play your part in the Wind Engineering community
- Meet Wind Engineers from industry, specialist consultants, research organisations and academia
- Make your voice heard in the running of WES; at the AGM, nominating members for election to the Committee and proposing technical meetings
How to become a member
To find out our current fees and how to join, visit our membership page.
Upcoming SKS events

- Type
- Webinar
Pushing boundaries: the role of nonlinear response history analysis in seismic design
This talk will cover the topic of Nonlinear Response History Analysis as a powerful tool for advancing seismic design.

- Type
- Lecture
The Woodsmith Project
Join us for a presentation on the Woodsmith Project in North Yorkshire, an Anglo American mining landmark. This 37-km tunnel transports Polyhalite, a natural fertiliser, from Whitby to Teesside via conveyor, showcasing groundbreaking and record-setting tunnelling innovations.

- Type
- Lecture
Limitations of CFD for wind engineering case studies
Have we got ahead of ourselves when using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for environmental case studies in wind engineering? This presentation will discuss some successes and failures in large case studies and suggest ways to move towards more successful large case studies.
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Have you got a question about our societies?
Like to know more about our societies or want to know how to sign up with them? Get in touch with us below and we will be happy to help.