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Located at the ICE headquarters at One Great George Street, the ICE Library is one of the largest resources in civil engineering in the world with over 130,000 publications.
Curated by qualified librarians, our collection of civil engineering literature spans more than 200 years; making it one of the UK's most comprehensive specialist engineering resources.
The ICE Library is home to one of the world's largest dedicated collection of civil engineering materials. In addition to our electronic catalogue which is available 24 hours a day, we also offer the following services.
The ICE Library provides free access to a growing collection of electronic books (ebooks) which are available to ICE members worldwide 24/7. To be kept regularly up to date with the latest titles, you can view our lists of each month's acquisitions below.
The Library Information Desk in the Members Resources Hub is open Monday - Friday 09:15 - 17:30.
The ICE is a very international place to work. There is something for everyone who works here. It's a learning process everyday. Everyday I learn something new, every single day.
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