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Presidential Commission

A Presidential Commission was set up by ICE's Council and Trustee Board to review the governance of the Institution during 2019.

Final report published

The Commission published its Final Report on 11 December 2019 after presenting it to the Council and the Trustee Board.

You can download the Final Report by clicking on the links below:

During its work, the Commission worked hard to communicate and consult widely within the ICE family and beyond. We are extremely grateful to the many members who gave evidence and responded so constructively to our two major consultations.

You can also download:

What happens next?

The Commission has covered all matters set out in its Terms of Reference and presented its Final Report to the Council and Trustee Board, so its work is complete.

The Commission hopes that its Review and Recommendations will help to resolve the differences that arose in 2018, and will allow the Institution to move on and look forward to a period of stability in its governance, concentrating on its primary role: to foster and promote the art and science of civil engineering.

The ICE Council and Trustee Board have agreed in full the findings from the Presidential Commission’s Final Report. View how these will be implemented.

About the commision

The Commission is an advisory body made up of ICE members who have had significant involvement in the Institution, as well as external members with strong experience of governance.

The Commission was set up following the introduction of new ICE governance arrangements in November 2018 as a result of a member ballot, and the acceptance of a Special General Meeting resolution which called for a full review of ICE governance.

The Commission's purpose was to make recommendations to the Council and Trustee Board about ICE governance, to enable the Institution to deliver its Royal Charter objects as effectively as possible.

The Commission undertook its work in three stages:

  • Stage 1:
    Consult widely on the key principles and issues for the good governance of an Institution like ICE. Receive evidence and submissions from ICE members and stakeholders, hold discussions with the main ICE Boards and Committees, consult the Specialist Knowledge Societies, and review the governance of comparator organisations.
  • Stage 2:
    Develop Options for Future ICE Governance. Consider the key issues identified, and evidence gathered, during Stage 1 and look at the options for future governance of the ICE.
  • Stage 3:
    Publish, and consult widely on, an Interim Report setting out the emerging positions and options. Take account of feedback on the Interim Report and finalise recommendations to the Council and Trustee Board. These were be published in a Final Report in December 2019.

The Commission has now completed its work and has published its final report.

Background papers

Minutes of commission meetings

Do you have any questions?

If you would like to find out more, please contact the Governance Office on: