The BIM Maturity Measurement tool is an Excel-based tool designed to help measure your understanding of BIM and help guide you towards BIM Level 2. It will also provide highlights on areas for improvement.
What is the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Measurement tool?
The tool is designed to:
- Measure the maturity of different aspects of BIM adoption within a project
- To highlight successes and areas for improvement
- Demonstrate current capabilities not future aspirations
- Is not an audit
Remember, it is a journey to Level 2 and this tool will help you identify how far you have come and your current position.
Who should complete this tool?
In can be completed by anybody, or any organisation, using BIM in a project. Remember the context and that the capability of all parties on a project affects the results. It is not intended to be used to blame anyone, but to help everyone raise standards together.
How to Create your BIM Maturity Measure
- On opening the template, save the BIM Maturity Measure to your Project Location
- When saving, enter the Job Number for the Maturity Measure as the first X digits of the file name.
How to Complete your BIM Maturity Measure
- On the Cover Tab enter the required Project Information (the orange fields)
- Once complete, click on the Project tab and enter Current Levels for all questions
- Continue to enter Current Levels on all questions, for all of the selected Discipline tabs
How to Submit your BIM Maturity Measure
- Once all scores have been assigned, return to the Cover tab and click on the Submit button
- Your BIM Maturity Measure can now be emailed to a chosen individual, in your organisation, for information and review
Who created this?
This work by Arup is a derivative of the BIM Project Execution Planning Guide by CIC Research Group, Department of Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University which, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License: Copyright © 2012. The Computer Integrated Construction Research Group, Pennsylvania State University. It was released originally by Arup in December 2014 and collaboratively developed with Atkins in September 2015. This output came via the ICE BIM Action Group.
Please let us know how you get on with the tool. Any problems, and what you particularly like, just let us know, by emailing [email protected].
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