John Cook
Defence Infrastructure Organisation
Airfield Pavement Engineering
John Cook
John has over 40 years of experience in Airfield Pavement Engineering and in this time has been extensively involved in design, construction and maintenance of airfield pavements including in many different parts of the world. This began when he joined PSA in 1979 working in their Airfields Branch, then from 1990 to the present, in MOD’s Defence Infrastructure Organisation as a Principal Engineer for airfield pavement design and construction.
For 15 years, he was the Convenor for a European CEN Airfields Working Group within Technical Committee 227 concerned with harmonization of pavement material standards.
Since 2012 he has been a member of ICAO’s (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Pavement Working Group which is responsible for producing recommendations for improving the ACN/PCN aircraft load classification system as well as various guidance on aspects of pavement design and construction.