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Biofermentation® Case Studies: the future of wastewater treatment

Event organised by ICE

26 January 2023

This event has now ended


The presentation will explain the background and evolution of the Biofermentation® process and outline its major impacts and benefits. It will refer to recent case studies carried out in the USA and Northern Ireland and will discuss the impact of significantly reduced sludge production together with a reduction in energy requirements. The presentation will end with a discussion of the potential of the process for reducing the global warming impacts of wastewater treatment.


Sam Phillips BSc(Hons) CEng, MICE

Sam Phillips BSc(Hons) CEng, MICE

FIWater, ABS Inc


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Sam Phillips BSc(Hons) CEng, MICE

Sam has worked across a wide spectrum of civil engineering projects, such as flooding, and river control structures including the River Bann Flood Gates at Toome, Kilrea and Coleraine and the Lagan Weir. He has worked extensively in Water and Wastewater and was responsible for many of the key Northern Ireland Water Projects including North Coast Wastewater Scheme, North Down/Ards Wastwater Scheme, Derg Water Treatment Works and the sludge treatment facilities at Craigavon and Belfast including the Sludge Incinerators.

Sam is a Past Chairman of ICE(NI) and CIWEM(NI) as well as a Past National President of the Institute of Water. He is now an Independent Consultant and is working with ABS Inc. on Biofermentation® pilot projects in UK and Ireland.

Sam is a Trustee and Board Member of several charitable organisations including the North West Zambia Development Trust which has developed a 750 kilowatt Hydro Power station on the Zambezi river to supply a local grid including a hospital, schools and local villages.

Rob Whiteman PhD

Rob Whiteman PhD


technical director

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Rob Whiteman PhD

Rob Whiteman has a MSc and a PhD in Environmental Engineering as a Research Associate at Newcastle upon Tyne.

Rob has pioneered many novel approaches to solving wastewater treatment and environmental challenges, including the biodegradation of chloro-organics using white rot fungus, microbial tracer studies, midge/fly control, elimination of supplemental nutrient usage for industrial treatment, ZYMO – “The Parts Washer” a surface cleaning method using bioremediation and finally Biofermentation® process technology which enables microbiology to be grown on-site as a liquid live culture or delivered to satellite plants. These developments have led to Rob being the inventor on over eighty world-wide patents.

For the last 20 years, he has specifically nurtured Biofermentation®, which has now been proven to be a paradigm shift in the approach to wastewater allowing greater throughput and capacity, lower electrical costs, up to 60% less biosolids production, improved effluent quality and 1/1000th the carbon footprint of classical engineering options.”

For more information please contact:

Valeria Oliviero