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Climate Change – Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Built Environment

Event organised by ICE

08 June 2021

This event has now ended


Buildings and construction have been identified as having one of the greatest potentials for value creation and capture from the application of circular economy principles. This sector can make significant contributions to climate change mitigation.

ICE North West Graduates & Students are pleased to invite you to this talk on the theme of climate change in relation to the built environment.

Speakers from the University of Liverpool will share their research:

Dr David Hou Chi Chow
Minimising Building Energy Consumption with Climate Change in Different Climate Regions

 Dr Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi
Carbon-neutral target and Life Cycle Assessment

Dr Han-Mei Chen,
Climate Change and Circular Economy in the Built Environment: Product Reuse and Solid Waste Upcycling

For more information please contact:

Lauren Moczulski