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Hydrophobic & Pore Blocking Ingredient for use in Tunnel Construction

Event organised by ICE

17 September 2020

This event has now ended


Cementaid UK is part of the Internationally renowned Cementaid Group of Companies, founded in 1954. Cementaid pioneered the use of its unique Caltite HPI (Hydrophobic & Pore-Blocking Ingredient) in the early 1960’s since which time it has been successfully used in millions of cubic metres of concrete, in 100’s of thousands of Projects around the world. The talk will focus on:

  • How the use of HPI technology can solve many of the problems associated with waterproofing tunnels
  • Enhancing durability, especially in potentially corrosive environments
  • How HPI will fundamentally alter both the absorption and pressure permeability characteristics of concrete and in doing so, enhance construction programmes and simplify design
  • The data presented will be backed up with actual field experience discussion and photographic details of many of the Caltite HPI tunnels that have been constructed around the world and how they have stood the test of time

For more information please contact:

Shelly-Ann Russell