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Introduction to Lean Construction

Event organised by ICE

12 May 2021

This event has now ended


Lean construction has been developing a following in the UK for nearly 30 years. Whilst it’s uptake isn’t yet universal, as we continue to transition to more collaborative ways of working, adoption of lean will increase as collaboration is at its core. This event will introduce the principles of lean construction and explain how lean construction can help projects and businesses address our current industry challenges to create better value and less waste.

Lean production was pioneered by Toyota after World War II. Lean construction, inspired by lean production, developed as a system of ideas and ideologies that shape the way a project is handled and in turn helps the final product and the bottom line.

We will introduce and explain the basic principles and ideas on which lean construction is based. We will demonstrate how a lean approach can help to address many of the challenges we face as an industry, to improve quality and productivity and reduce our impact on the environment. We will share our own personal experiences of using lean to drive improvement on our construction projects.

For more information please contact:

Rose Creasey