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Yeager Airport Reinforced Soil Slope Failure – lessons learned

Event organised by ICE

05 November 2020

This event has now ended


Construction of this 67-metre-high reinforced soil slope (RSS) was completed in December 2006. After seven years in-service, a tension crack was observed at the top of the slope.

In March 2015 this RSS structure catastrophically collapsed. The structure collapsed in a compound failure mode; as the failure plane passed beneath, partially behind, and partially through the reinforced soil mass. The RSS collapse occurred after 8.3 years in-service as the shear strength along the shale-claystone foundation interface decreased and approached the fully softened strength.

This webinar will cover the forensic investigation performed, the causes of the failure and lessons learned.

This is a joint event with the International Geosynthetic Society (IGS) UK Chapter.

International Geosynthetics Society UK

International Geosynthetics Society UK

The International Geosynthetics Society is an engineering professional society focused on the field of geosynthetics.

For more information please contact:

Lauren Moczulski