You can meet the further learning requirements to become a Chartered Engineer (CEng MICE) by passing our Further Learning Exam.
What is the Further Learning Exam
The ICE Further Learning Examination tests whether graduates with an accredited Bachelor degree have gained the knowledge to progress to Chartered Engineer status.
Instead of undertaking further academic study or an Experiential Learning Assessment, you can demonstrate how your work-based experience has provided the required level of engineering knowledge and skills.
Following success at the Further Learning Exam you will be able to complete your Initial Professional Development and progress to Professional Review.
Please download the ICE Further Learning Exam Guidance document for more information.
How can I prepare for the Further Learning Exam?
You can read some of the past papers with the associated Examiner’s Reports.
A series of 5 online training modules that underpin the syllabus can be purchased directly from ICE Training. The cost of the modules will also include the exam fee.
Recommended reading
The ICE Companion to Engineering Management will provide you with a concise reference on core areas of engineering management that will help prepare you for your exam.
The chapters follow the syllabus for the exam which aligns with the required attributes to be a chartered engineer.
Don't miss out on this essential reference, available in Print and as an eBook.
How much does it cost?
You'll need to pay a non-refundable fee when you apply, please see our fees page for more information.
The 5 online training modules can be purchased individually or as a bundle (which includes the cost of the exam fee) from ICE Training
The Further Learning Exam process
The process comprises two parts, both based upon our examination syllabus. Our guidance document explains the application process.
The exam is completed online, and you will have 6 hours to answer 5 questions linked to our case scenario. You will also have an extra hour for breaks.
Four weeks before sitting the exam you will be given access to the Exam site to allow you to test your access.
Three weeks before the exam you must upload your Further Learning Technical Submission. Failure to do this by the confirmed date will mean that your application will be automatically deferred to the next sitting.
You will be asked on the day of the exam to confirm that there are no issues preventing you sitting the exam online.
Assessment and results
- Your Further Learning Technical Submission and examination paper will be assessed by two trained script markers
- You will receive the result of your examination no more than 12 weeks after sitting the Exam
Who is eligible?
The Further Learning Exam is only available to those working in civil engineering and before you can apply for the Further Learning Exam you must be an ICE Graduate Member, Associate Member or a full Member or a member of another Professional Engineering Institution (PEI) that ICE has a Mutual Exemption Agreement with.
To apply for the Further Learning Exam, you must have an accredited BEng(Hons) degree or equivalent that is recognised by Engineering Council as partially meeting the academic base for a Chartered Engineer*.
*Note that there are additional criteria for programmes recognised under the International Engineering Alliance's Washington Accord: graduates from programmes that started after June 2015 need to demonstrate further learning to progress to a Chartered Professional Review with ICE, but those who successfully complete a degree programme that started before July 2015 retain legacy rights and are not required to demonstrate further learning.
If you wish to check if you are eligible to sit the exam please contact our Exams Team by email to [email protected].
Applying for the Further Learning Exam
You should submit your completed application using our ICE Further Learning Exam application portal. Your application should include:
- A completed online ICE Further Learning Exam application form
- Confirmation that you have 2 years’ experience since graduation as demonstrated by your two page CV
- Certified copies of your academic qualifications if you are not a member of the ICE
- Applicants with disabilities, specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia), and temporary conditions, including pregnancy, can apply for special arrangements for their Further Learning Examination. Please provide details on the form, together with any written evidence.
- A non-refundable fee
Find out when the application dates are.
Further information
- Your Further Learning Technical Submission and examination paper will be assessed by two trained script markers
- We will email you the result of your examination approximately 10 weeks after sitting the exam
You can find out more about the ICE Further Learning Exam by downloading the guidance document.
See more further learning exam resources.
You can also refer to some previous Engineering scenarios (case study) and linked Examiners Report below:
- Engineering Scenario case study 1
- Examiners report case study 1
- Engineering Scenario case study 2
- Examiners report case study 2
- Engineering Scenario case study 3
- Examiners report case study 3
- Engineering Scenario case study 4
- Examiners report case study 4
- Engineering Scenario case study 5
- Examiners report case study 5
- Engineering Scenario case study 6
- Examiners report case study 6
- Engineering Scenario case study 7
- Examiners report case study 7
Got a question?
For questions about further learning, then our Education team are available to help: