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ICE West Midlands


ICE West Midlands is governed by its main committee, which carries out ICE's business plan and sets the direction for the region.

ICE's work in the West Midlands is carried out by the regional committee. It's made up of representatives throughout the region, branch club members and Early Careers Network committee members, and is supported by the Regional Support Team.

Committee members are volunteers and come from a range of backgrounds within the civil engineering profession.

Find out more about how our UK regions are governed.

West Midlands regional committee

The West Midlands regional committee is the focal point for matters important to civil engineers in the region. It helps raise the profile of civil engineering as a profession and a career choice and promotes continuing professional development among ICE members. It meets every month and, through its six sub-branches, works to deliver ICE's business plan in the region.

Name Position
Giles Atkinson chair and Hereford and Worcester branch chair
Hudson Taivo past chair
Omua Edeki Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country chair
Ian Jenkinson CEng FICE honorary treasurer
James Whitehouse honorary secretary
Yvonne Aust Shropshire branch chair
Damian McGettrick municipals chair
Soroush Abolfathi Coventry and Warwickshire branch chair
Will Jones Early Careers Network chair
Sonali Patel Education and Inspiration committee chair
David Brown PHEW Chair
Mark Alton Public Voice and Informing Opinion committee chair
Tom Sherratt member
Trevor Still seniors branch secretary
Rhiannon Evans technician member
Mahesh Mohankumar member
Jo Barnett regional director
TBC Fairness, Inclusion and Respect representative
Ryan Morgan member
August Akpodiete member

Branch committees

Our branch committees are diverse, forward-thinking and active. Working with various engineering institutions and organisations involved in the built environment, they aim to increase interest and attendance at meetings to help members continue their professional development. Find out more about our committees below and how to get involved.

Name Position
Omua Edeki chair
Jorge Frances Linares vice chair
Josh Ho treasurer

Name Position
Soroush Abolfathi chair

Name Position
Giles Atkinson chair

Name Position
Yvonne Aust chair

Other members: Jamie Bradshaw

Name Position
Sonali Patel chair

Name Position
Gbenga Oludotun chair

Early Careers Network

The Early Careers Network organises meetings, lectures, site visits and social events for graduates and students. It works with the region’s universities to raise the profile of the profession and to encourage and support members in getting professional qualifications.

Name Position
Will Jones chair
Ben Latcham senior vice chair
Ramiz Beldar senior vice chair
Roman Francis treasurer
Kiara Halewood secretary

Other members: Ellie Walton, Armina Galminaite, Samuela Osei, Gerard Sokoli, Sylvester, Adesona

Special interest groups

The West Midlands region's special interest groups (SIGs) focus on particular aspects of civil engineering. The groups are run by members on a voluntary basis, and provide an opportunity to discuss topics, share knowledge and meet up for social activities.

The Panel for Historical Engineering Works (PHEW) aims to promote an understanding of our rich civil engineering heritage among civil engineers and the broader public.

The West Midlands PHEW group organises events about the lives of historical civil engineers, the history of civil engineering and civil engineering projects.

Name Position
David Brown chair

When you retire, why loose contact with ex-colleagues from the industry?

The West Midlands Seniors Group enables retired members to meet past colleagues and others in a pleasant social atmosphere over lunch four times a year. Meetings are held at the Edgbaston Golf Club, at the top of Priory Road in Birmingham commencing at 12.30 hrs.

Name Position
Trevor Still secretary

Want to get involved?

If you would like to know more about our committees or how to become a member of one or more, get in touch below.