The trustees are supported by a council, who are directly elected by ICE members. As the pinnacle of the learning society, council drives the agenda by being the key decision-making body with respect to the ICE’s learned society activity.
How does our council work?
The Council has an essential role in representing the views of the membership to the Trustee Board and supporting the Trustees to ensure ICE is considered a global centre of excellence championing the role civil engineering plays at the heart of society.
The Council is the pinnacle of the Learning Society and meets regularly to debate issues of relevance to civil engineering, the Institution and society, to set the agenda for the Institution’s learned society activity.
More details on the duties, responsibilities and composition of Council can be found in the Council Terms of Reference.
Council meetings
The minutes for past meetings can be accessed here.
If you're a member of ICE, simply login to the site using the prompt at the top of this page and you'll be able to access and download any documents.
Meet our council
Council is made up of 38 members from different countries and grades of membership. Every year, certain positions on our Council become available, so members can stand for these positions. They receive votes from other ICE members.
Council members serve for three years and are directly elected by the membership.
The following may attend Council meetings as observers if they are not otherwise Council members:
- Chair, Early Careers Network (ECNet);
- Chair, Thomas Telford Ltd;
- Any professionally qualified ICE member, under prior arrangement with the Governance Office and subject to available space.
Our president promotes the institution and the profession in the UK and around the world. ICE has a different president every year. The President’s calendar, including past and forthcoming events, can be accessed online by ICE members.
Further detail on the President’s responsibilities and duties are set out in the President’s terms of reference.
There are 38 members on the ICE Council. The President chairs the Council and the following are Council members. Members serve until the November of the year shown.
Professor Jim HALL FREng BEng MA PhD CEng FICE
Prof Jim Hall is professor of climate and environmental risks in the University of Oxford. Before joining the University of Oxford in 2011 to become director of the university’s Environmental Change Institute, Prof Hall held academic positions in civil engineering departments in Newcastle University and the University of Bristol. Prof Hall is internationally recognised for his research on risk analysis for water resource systems, flooding and coastal engineering, infrastructure systems and adaptation to climate change.
Prof Hall is a member of the Prime Minister's Council for Science and Technology and is a Commissioners of the National Infrastructure Commission. He was a member of the UK independent Committee on Climate Change Adaptation from 2009 to 2019. He led the development of the National Infrastructure Systems Model (NISMOD), which was used for the ICE’s influential National Needs Assessment and for the UK’s first National Infrastructure Assessment.
Prof Hall invented, and now chairs, the UK Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure (DAFNI). Amongst various distinctions, Prof Hall was awarded the ICE’s George Stephenson Medal in 2001 and the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water in 2018. He was a contributing author to the Nobel Prize-winning Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

David Norman Porter BEng (Hons) MSc CEng FICE

Anusha Shah BEng MSc CEng FICE Hon Prof Hon DEng

Stuart Allen BSc (Hons) IEng MICE CMgr CMI

John Bridgeman BEng MSc PhD FICE FCIWEM FIMA CEng CSci
Regional member

Gillian Castka BEng MSc CEng MICE MHKIE

Chris Caves MEng CEng FICE
Regional member

David Clegg BSc (Hons) MBA IEng MICE MCIHT CMgr FCMI
Regional member

Carlos De Freitas MSc CEng FICE MIStructE

Yuli (Chaido) Doulala-Rigby BEng MSc CEng FICE

Rhiannon Evans BA (Hons) BEng IEng MICE
Regional member

Serena Gough GMICE MEng

Beth Griffiths EngTech MICE

Tina Gunnarsson MEng CEng MICE

Benjamin Alexander Hamer BSc CEng FICE
Deputy Chair of council

Tim Harman MEng CEng FICE

Susan Hawkes EngTech MICE
Regional member

David Hirst BEng (Hons) MBA CEng FICE FEI
Regional member

Ken Ho JP FICE FHKIE RPE (Geotechnical) RPE (Civil) ACGI BSc(Eng) DIC MSc CEng EurIng
Regional member

Dr Sabih Khisaf MSc PhD Eur Ing CEng FICE
Regional member

Gerald Knights MEng (Hons) MSc DIC CEng FICE

Anisa Koci CEng MICE

George Lance MEng (Hons) CEng NECReg MICE
Regional member

International member

Jose M. Lores BEng (Hons) MSc CEng MICE
International member

Regional member

Ruth Marsden MEng GMICE

Yvonne Murphy BEng (Hons) CEng CEnv FICE CMgr MCMI

Gráinne Murray BEng MSc CEng MICE
Regional member

Elizabeth Orchard MEng A.U.S CEng MICE
Regional member

Antonios Palatianos BEng (Hons) MSc CEng MICE ChPP MAPM CMgr MCMI

Steven Graeme Robertson BSc (Hons) CEng FICE
Regional member

Oana Sala MEng GMICE

Lucinda Smith BA MBA CEng MICE

Sally Walters MEng MPHil CEng FICE

Simon Wanklyn CEng FICE

Robert white BEng(Hons) PGDipBA, CEng, CPEng (Aus) FICE, FEngNZ, FIEAust, CMInstD
International member

Graham Yates BEng (Hons) CEng MICE
Regional member

ICE Council Elections 2025
Our members around the world elect ICE's Council members. We hold elections every year when about one third of council member seats are available. These places are usually for a three-year term, to replace members whose term of service has finished.
Vacancies for 2025:
Vacancies | Elected by | Candidate eligibility criteria | Sponsor requirements |
6 general members | Professionally qualified members worldwide |
Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) (not open to graduate or student members) |
5 sponsors per candidate Members may sponsor up to two candidates Sponsors can be from ICE Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) |
4 regional members Vacancies for this year are within:
East of England South East Scotland Yorkshire and Humber |
Professionally qualified members in the relevant region |
Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) Candidates must have voting rights in the relevant region. (not open to graduate or student members)
5 sponsors per candidate Members may sponsor up to two candidates Sponsors can be from ICE Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) Sponsors must have voting rights in the relevant region |
1 international member To represent Europe and Central Asia |
Professionally qualified members in this international area |
Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) A candidate’s registered ICE address must be within the relevant ICE international area. (not open to graduate or student members)
5 sponsors per candidate Members may sponsor up to two candidates Sponsors can be from ICE Fellows and Members (to include Chartered, Incorporated and Technician grades) A sponsor’s registered ICE address must be within the relevant ICE international area |
1 graduate member | Graduate members |
ICE graduate member (not open to student members) |
5 sponsors per candidate from ICE graduate members |
Becoming a member of council
To find out about what is needed to stand for election, please read the ICE election rules document.
The election will run from 02 June to 15 July 2025. The results will be announced at the institution’s annual general meeting on 22 July 2025 with elected candidates taking office from 04 November 2025.
Please submit your nomination form with the support of your five sponsors to the ICE Governance Office ([email protected]) by 31 March 2025.
A member may sponsor up to two candidates. The sponsor must be a paid-up ICE member. Sponsors will need to meet the eligibility criteria, which can be accessed in Section C of the nomination form.
Further information
If you would like to find out more about council elections, please contact the Governance Office on +44 (0)20 7665 2002/2077 or at [email protected]
ICE Presidential Address
The presidential address is one of the highlights of the institution’s calendar. At his inaugural event, Prof Hall explored how we can develop an infrastructure strategy for a sustainable future.
Do you have any questions?
If you would like to find out more about our elections, please contact the Governance Office on:
Council summaries
Following each meeting of council, a brief note summarising what was discussed and any actions to be taken is produced and made available to members and the public.